Posts by admin
What’s New In New Patient Generation | Panel Discussion Q4
Course Objectives: Discuss what’s new in increasing new patient generation Identify the biggest opportunities today in increasing new patient generation Identify the biggest obstacles in increasing new patient generation Learn the easiest next step to increasing new patient generation that you can start implementing tomorrow
Read MoreWhat’s New In Upgrading Your Profitability | Panel Discussion Q4
Course Objectives: Discuss what’s new in increasing your profitability Identify the biggest opportunities today in increasing your profitability Identify the biggest obstacles in increasing your profitability Learn the easiest next step to increasing your profitability that you can start implementing tomorrow
Read MoreWhat’s New In Upgrading Your Team Performance | Panel Discussion Q4
Course Objectives: Discuss what’s new in increasing your team performance Identify the biggest opportunities today in increasing your team performance Identify the biggest obstacles in increasing your team performance Learn the easiest next step to increasing your team performance that you can start implementing tomorrow
Read More3 Steps To Massively Increase Your Production
Course Objectives: Learn how to get off the “dental treadmill” and increase production while lowering your hours, stress, and obligations See how well intentioned professionals are investing completely backwards, and how to get any new piece of equipment, training, or renovation for free Understand why more pay does not equal more productivity from team members…
Read More3 Reasons Why Patients Delay, Distrust, And Don’t Take Our Advice… And How To Fix It!
Training Starting Soon… 3 Reasons Why Patients Delay Treatment, Distrust Dentists, And Don’t Take Our Advice… And How To Fix It! Presented By Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Bryan Laskin REGISTER NOW WATCH ONLINE • FREE REGISTRATION During This Presentation Attendees Will Learn… What’s going on in patients’ heads when they blow off our recommendations.…
Read MoreCan You Afford To Grow Your Practice?
Course Objectives: Evaluate the reality of the current financial state of your practice Identify effective solutions to increase profitability Learn actionable steps to grow your practice Grow your practice!
Read MoreCase Acceptance- The TEAM Approach
When a team does not appear to be on the same page, use the same verbiage or present with enthusiasm, this is when skepticism creeps in with our patients. They become more reluctant to accept the recommended care they have been presented with. This course will highlight the ultimate TEAM approach to increase case acceptance…
Read MoreCracking The New Patient Code: How To Effectively Target And Attract Your Ideal New Patient
A famous marketer once said: “Half my marketing is working. The problem is I don’t know which half is which!”. When talking with Dentists about this topic, I find most of my colleagues have had a similar experience to that marketer. Keeping dental marketing a confusing and elusive thing in their mind. In this talk,…
Read More4 New Co-Diagnosis Strategies That Are Guaranteed To Boost Your Case Acceptance
Course Objectives: Improve patient health outcomes through visualization of the oral condition Create understanding with patients on how oral inflammation caused by pathogens induces a systemic increase in inflammatory markers Visually encourage case acceptance, and increase patient rapport and referrals
Read MoreMaximizing Your Profitability While Increasing Your Quality, Efficiency and Fun
Course Objectives: Understand that success still depends on principles of Business 101 and what that means to you Gain information on new materials, techniques and equipment to impress your patients and save yourself some time Gain an appreciation for sharpening the saw for maximum production systems and processes
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