Put Your Patients First by Putting Your Team First—How? An Interview with Dr. Kalpesh Patel

Which is more important to the success of a dental practice or network: the team or the patients?

In a fresh take on the classic chicken-versus-egg debate of the business side of dentistry, Founder of Active Dental Dr. Kalpesh Patel and I talk about what it really means to put the patient first and what steps dental practice owners can take to stay ahead of the competition.

In this interview, Dr. Patel and I also talk about what the near future holds for the dental industry and why the trend towards great consolidation and commercialization of dental care could be a good thing for patients and providers alike.

I’m Dr. Bryan Laskin—an author and a fellow dentist and visionary who loves talking with forward-thinking leaders like Dr. Patel to gain even greater insight into the definition of Patient-First care.

Contact Dr. Patel to learn more about his successful de novo strategy: ActiveDentalDFW.com