Interviewing Co-Founder of Dental Innovation Alliance Doug Brown on Investing in Dental Innovation

Do you have an innovative idea that you believe will transform the way we do dentistry? Are you interested in investing in a dental tech startup but need more risk mitigation? Are you simply curious about what’s going on in the field of dental innovation?

Whatever your area of focus, you’ll enjoy this insightful interview with an industry veteran.

In this episode of The Patient First Podcast, I ask Dental Innovation Alliance Co-Founder and Managing Partner Doug Brown how his team helps match investors with promising startups in the dental space. We discuss common industry challenges, how DIA helps practice owners to overcome them, and trends in dental innovation that have the most exciting potential.

I’m Dr. Bryan Laskin—dentist, author, entrepreneur and innovator keen to explore any and all solutions that make the practice of dentistry a better experience for everyone involved.

Contact Doug Brown with queries about DIA: