Ignoring This Could Cost Dentists $1 Million

Did you know that your patients’ health information is being held hostage in a data prison?

The conversation about Practice Management Systems (PMS) in dentistry has gotten stale. What’s worse, most dentists today aren’t aware that PMS systems that don’t comply with recent legislation could leave dentists vulnerable to fines of up to $1 million.

In this episode of The Patient First Podcast, I explain why it’s high time we change the conversation about storing dental patient data. I’m also excited to share what Toothapps is doing to address the data hostage situation.

I’m Dr. Bryan Laskin, author of “The Patient First Manifesto”, and one of the very few professionals in our industry working to ensure the open and secure flow of data that is vital to putting our patients first.

Explore the possibilities over at Toothapps.com

Request a free copy of my book, “The Patient First Manifesto”: PatientFirstBook.com